Specialist visit

To deliver products which fully correspond to clients needs StahlNW provides service of specialist visit to the site to consult on the ground.


List of possible specialist works::

  • Assessment of accommodation parameters, measurement of necessary distances to find out maximum possible sizes of equipment
  • Operating conditions determination, making calculations to identify series and type of equipment – operating tempera-ture range, requirement of fire-safe and explosion-protected design
  • Determination of clients requirements concerning equipment: load capacity, height, complexity, functional characteris-tics
  • Consulting and proposal of options on the ground with clear explanation of advantages and disadvantages of all op-tions
  • Statement of works formulation and its agreeing
  • Determination of erected equipment repairability and delivering a verdict concerning feasibility of repair provision
  • Setup of equipment, testing of electric equipment
Put your brief question and make an online enquiry. Our manager will contact you , consider your question in details and propose solution for your task.
Выезд специалиста на объект для осмотра, монтажа, ремонта грузоподъемного оборудования
Выезд специалиста на объект для осмотра, монтажа, ремонта грузоподъемного оборудования